AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 6: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th << 90 | 91 | 92 >> CHAPTER 6 Saturday, October 25th (dictated 7:46 pm, Oct 29) The weekend went by pretty fast, and I was glad. That just sounds so wrong, but I don't care. I told Beth almost everything, and she didn't believe it either, even after I showed her the video. “I don't believe it. A talking Cat, Crim? I love you and all that, but I just can’t... Oh, what the hell. I believe it, because you believe it. But I’m sorry, I still gotta see this talk- ing Cat right here in front of me, and not on some obviously fake video either.” “Don't be sorry babe. I don't believe it either, and I've already seen her talk right in front of me. That's why this Halloween’s so damn important.” “Why? What's gonna happen then?” That's when I told her about the Cat wanting to escape, and especially the one hundred thousand dollars. “One hundred thousand dollars!” She almost shouted, but then thought about it, just like I did, but came up with it faster than I did, “Where the hell is a Cat gonna get a hundred grand?” “That's exactly the same thing I thought,” I told her, “including the 'hell' part.” “Why doesn’t she just buy her way out, or walk out of there on her own?” “I’m not really sure,” I said, and then told her about the bloody bag, and also about Frankenstein and his two evil assistants. That last part got me skeptical again, but that smart-phone, the credit score, and how it looked so real when she talked, especially on that video, and I didn’t know what to think anymore. Plus, I don’t know why Beth thought it was fake. I know I didn’t fake it but arguing about it would be a total waste of time. Nothing’s gonna convince her anyway, until she actually sees the Cat talking right in front of her, just like she said. << 90 | 91 | 92 >> CHAPTER 6: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th
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