AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 5: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24th << 89 | 90 | CHAP 6: PG 91 >> While on the way, I also remem- bered that Halloween wasn’t three weeks away, but next Friday. While working nonstop loading the Tunnel and Cart-Washer, I kept thinking about that one hundred thousand dol- lars, and after almost two hours, I still couldn’t believe it. Where the hell was a Cat gonna get a hundred grand? And then, I remembered the smart-phone that the Cat, Amy- Strange, had used to check my credit score. That was definitely one hell of an illusion that I was creating for myself, if that’s what it was. As soon as our break started, I almost ran to the breakroom. I used one of the computers there to double-check my credit score, and it was exactly at 737. It wasn’t absolute proof, but it certainly did help make the case that this Cat, AmyStrange, or Amy, might not be an illusion, and she really can talk. It also meant, that I might not be going crazy after all. I also watched the short video, and it looked real enough, but that was the problem. It looked too real, like it was done on a good movie editing program, but I also knew that I didn’t do it. I can open a browser, type a simple webpage, use e-mail and this dictating program, but use one that edited videos? I had no idea how to even get one, never mind creating some- thing like this. It had to be real, but no one else is gonna believe it, and that includes me, because I’m still having a really hard time swallowing the idea that this Cat can talk. The rest of the day went by pretty fast, because all I could think about was how crazy genetics was, and was it even possible to manipulate it enough to create a talking Cat? This coming Monday was going to be very, very interesting, but first, I had to make it through the weekend. << 89 | 90 | CHAP 6: PG 91 >> CHAPTER 5: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24th
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