and the UNeXpLaiNed ©Copyrighted by Dave Ayotte & Caty Bergman



2012-FEB-29 [WED]

FRI: Microsoft unveils Windows 8 in challenge to Apple, Google - Spain

2012-FEB-28 [TUE]

MIP: More women's remains found in Juárez, Chihuahua prosecutor forms investigative unit - Mexico

2012-FEB-27 [MON]

SEK: Children Choosing Their Own Gender

2012-FEB-26 [SUN]

2012-FEB-25 [SAT]

2012-FEB-24 [FRI]

UNX: UPDATE: Twitching mystery patients show signs of recovery - NY  USA
SEK: The business and backlash of murderabilia - TX  USA
UNX: Ghost Hunters sink teeth into vampire investigation - Lochmaben Castle, Scotland

2012-FEB-23 [THU]

UNX: No explanation for mysterious 'lake music' reported by many Yellowstone visitors - WY  USA

2012-FEB-22 [WED]

FRI: Not so fast: Loose wire led to stunning, faster-than-light particle finding - CERN Lab, Switzerland

2012-FEB-21 [TUE]

FRI: A Step Forward In Effort to Regenerate Damaged Nerves - NY  USA

2012-FEB-20 [MON]

2012-FEB-19 [SUN]

2012-FEB-18 [SAT]

MIP: Human remains found on Long Island, N.Y. - NY  USA

2012-FEB-17 [FRI]

2012-FEB-16 [THU]

2012-FEB-15 [WED]

UNX: Study Says You'll Appreciate Art More if You've Just Been Scared

2012-FEB-14 [TUE]

2012-FEB-13 [MON]

2012-FEB-12 [SUN]

BLG: (OUR BLOG) "To Be Or Not To Be... "

2012-FEB-11 [SAT]

2012-FEB-10 [FRI]

UNX: Are You Serious? Photos Of The Week - India

2012-FEB-09 [THU]

2012-FEB-08 [WED]

FRI: Washington state legislature votes to approve same-sex marriage - WA  USA

2012-FEB-07 [TUE]

MIP: Powell voicemail: 'I am not able to live without my sons' - UT/ WA  USA

2012-FEB-06 [MON]

2012-FEB-05 [SUN]

2012-FEB-04 [SAT]

UNX: N.Y. town still baffled by teens' mysterious tics - NY  USA - UPDATE

2012-FEB-03 [FRI]

2012-FEB-02 [THU]

2012-FEB-01 [WED]

JAN <<<< 2012 >>>> MAR

                    Follow @AmyStrange_org
LAST UPDATED: March 1, 2012
by myself and Caty.