Lorain County: The history behind the recovered foot mystery - OH USA

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Dave Summers
Updated: 4/15/2010 12:36:59 AM

SHEFFIELD LAKE -- Frank and Darla Kustra divorced 15 years ago. Yet, still he was helping her with errands up to three weeks before Darla's death.

Frank tells us of their estranged relationship and Darla's struggle with a presumed mental illness leading up to this bizarre investigation.

The tragedy that befell her may be the end of an equal tragedy that was Darla Kustra's last ten years of life.

"It was quite a shock. You don't wish this on anybody whether you're estranged or not they're still a human being and part of your life," Darla's ex-husband Frank said.

Frank Kustra says Darla refused treatment but suffered from multiple personality disorder.

"When I would come home from work at the end of the day, I never knew who I was coming home to," Frank said.

It didn't start out that way. Frank and Darla met at what used to be known as St. John West Shore hospital where they both worked.

"She was a very gifted nurse, very talented in music, and active with the church," Frank said.

Frank and Darla divorced in 1995. She went in and out of work, one room tenements and homeless shelters. She spent a year behind bars for failing to pay child support.

"She gave up on her best friends back then. They became her worst enemies when she did that 180 degree turn," Frank said.

Darla's foot was discovered on abandoned train tracks three days after her disappearance.

D-N-A from their oldest daughter, Lynn, helped identify to whom it belonged.

"A traumatic amputation like that would not be survivable," Frank said.

Darla may have been estranged from her family for more then a decade but knowing what happened to her could give closure and begin the healing of old emotional wounds.

The Lorain County Sheriff's department released Darla's identity late Wednesday afternoon.

Investigators have ruled out the possibility of suicide but not foul play or an accident.

With nothing more then her foot as evidence, the whole truth may never be known.

© 2010 WKYC-TV

Lorain County Coroner identifies mystery foot as belonging to Lorain city woman - OH USA

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LAST UPDATED: April 14, 2010
by myself and Caty.