AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 15: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st << 215 | 216 | 217 >> CHAPTER 15 Saturday, November 1st (dictated 7:56 am) Once we were inside, I locked all the doors. Mouse had everyone’s coat and was putting them in the closet. Pee Wee and Rhonda were on the couch, and Darryl was once again using our TV stand as a bar. The Cat ran to sit with Pee Wee and Rhonda, and almost immediately started lecturing everyone about how much humans sucked. Since I already knew where she was headed with this, the sick history of humans by AmyStrange, I excused myself and started up the stairs to update my Journal. I was half-way there, when Beth came breezing in with all those goodies I chopped earlier and her special dip too. I knew she had more in the fridge and went back to sneak some up with me. I was snickering to myself all the way up the stairs. This stuff is phenomenal. When I finished my Journal entry, I joined everyone in the living room again, and no one was talking, except the Cat. “Sure I admit that you can't just give animals the right to vote, and sure some people say we're the serial killers of the animal world,” she said, looking at me, “but still, the way some of those animals you eat are housed in cages too small to even turn around in. Caged like that for their whole lives. Wow! How can you people live with yourselves? “And the worst part, even worse than everything else, are your wars. Oh, my fucking God! What the fuck is wrong with you people?!” She didn’t even wait for an answer but went on and on about how bad we all were, until Rhonda told her to, “Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! We know all about that. Humans are assholes. We get it, but what you don’t seem to get is that not all of us are like that. Some of us are good people.” she said, and then added, “Some of us are trying to stop people like the ones that took my sister. Some of us are... are...” She started crying and couldn’t stop. << 215 | 216 | 217 >> CHAPTER 15: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1st
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