AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 14: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st << 189 | 190 | 191 >> “Who's that?” Beth asked. “I told you about that package, right?” She puckered her brow, “I think so. Oh, that's right, that D friend of yours.” “He sends you his love, by the way,” I said and reached out to open the door. “In his dreams,” she said back. Everyone was looking at each other wondering what was going on, but of course, my arch-enemy had to verbalize what everyone else must be thinking. “What the hell's going on Criminal?” “Just keep your hands where I can see them, Runt,” I said, not knowing why, and opened the door. An old guy had two black heavy- duty plastic bags on a dolly behind him. As I opened the door wider, he grabbed the clipboard that was laying on top of them. Under the clipboard was a bouquet of flowers. After verifying who I was supposed to be, he said, “D told me to tell you, he couldn't decide between the two, so he's giving you two for the price of one.” He almost smiled, and then added, “'The good customer discount', were his exact words. He even wrote it down.” He handed me a note, that I had to initial, before he’d allow me to take the two black bags. It read, “Good Customer Discount,” and under that, “Call me if you have any problems.” While initialing the note, I wondered when D started getting people to initial things. I gave it back, and he handed me a big bouquet of white and red roses and pink carnations, with a little card attached to it, “For Lady Beth.” I took the two packages and bouquet, thinking that maybe I should tip this guy, but he was off before I even finished the thought. Beth was right beside me, as I waved to him. He didn't return the wave, or even honk his horn. I gave Beth the bouquet, and the card, and she took them disgustedly, not knowing what to do with them. Finally, she trashed the flowers, but read the card and laughed. “In your dreams asshole,” and also trashed that, after tearing it up into tiny little pieces. “I know that sometimes you need that guy for some of your off the wall shit,” she said, took the flowers out of the trash, and while getting a vase, continued, “and I know I just threw these out, but they are beautiful, and it’s not their fault, that I seriously and sincerely hope you understand that I don't like this guy, at all.” << 189 | 190 | 191 >> CHAPTER 14: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31st
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