AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 8: MONDAY, OCTOBER 27th << 114 | 115 | 116 >> CHAPTER 8 Monday, October 27th (dictated 8:29 pm, Oct 29) It finally arrived, and while Beth slept through the whole thing, I quickly dressed. After waking her, she said, “Wow! An hour early, what's gotten into you?” “Halloween,” I said cryptically, kissed her, and off I went. Even AmyStrange was surprised to see me that early, but it didn’t stop her from getting right down to the escape, even before I had a chance to ask one question. “I’ll give you two hundred thou- sand dollars, if a hundred isn’t enough,” and then raised it to three hundred when I hesitated. “You’ve got to get me out of here, and you’ve got to do it before the end of the week. Otherwise, poof, there goes your chance to make even more money. I’ve got a couple other cat friends who also need help, and by the way, they’re the ones bankrolling this whole sheebockle. “Besides, isn’t this what you do, save animals?” Three hundred thousand dollars, I thought, and almost didn't tell her, almost. If this was an illusion that I was creating for myself, wouldn't I know that Halloween was this Friday, and not three weeks away? “I already agreed to help you, so don’t worry about that. When I say I’m going to do something, you can almost put that in the bank. As far as the money, let's just keep it at one hun- dred thousand,” I told her, and then added, “I forgot to tell you that Hal- loween was this Friday. Forgive me, but I was in a kind of shock last Friday, if you know what I mean? You don't meet a talking Cat every day.” “True, I guess, but I'll still pay you the three hundred thousand anyway, just because that was an honest thing to do, and honesty should always be rewarded,” the Cat said, like she was announcing a decree or something. << 114 | 115 | 116 >> CHAPTER 8: MONDAY, OCTOBER 27th
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