AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 7: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th << 109 | 110 | 111 >> I still didn't like her though. There was just something about her that rubbed me the wrong way, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t sympathize with her a little, except today. “Listen you fucking Brat. If you don't want to be at my house this Friday to see this talking Cat for yourself, then don't come. I don't care either way. As a matter of fact, I'd like it very much if you didn't fucking show up at all,” I said, before I real- ized I was shouting. The head librarian was already on her way. Oh shit, here we go, I thought. She didn't want to have to tell us again to keep it down. “I don't know why you don't res- erve one of our meeting rooms? You're here every fourth Sunday anyway, and we always have a room free then. It won't cost you a thing, and I can always keep it open for you. As a matter of fact, why don't you go use one right now, and then you can scream and holler all you want, and I won't have to ask you to leave.” We’d never thought of that and thanked her. By the time we got done pilling into that big empty room with only four people, I’d calmed down a lot. On the way, while Rhonda and the Librarian were talking, Pee Wee caught up with me. “What's wrong with you? That was uncalled for, and you know it.” “You're right. I have no good excuse for what I did,” except she's such a pain in the ass, I thought, but didn't say out loud. “I'll apologize to her, after we get settled down in our new digs.” Darryl sidled up and added his own two cents, “I agree with Pee Wee. Be- sides, I'm thinking of taking her under my wing and teaching her my craft, and you might need her help someday, Crim.” Before I could reply, the librar- ian was leaving, and Darryl, ever the gentleman, was thanking her and also giving her one of his legendary smiles. I've seen women melt under them. She said, “You’re welcome,” and even though she didn't melt, she actually had a smile on her face when she closed the door. I don't think I can ever remember seeing her smile, ever. After we got settled in, I apologized to Rhonda. << 109 | 110 | 111 >> CHAPTER 7: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th
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