AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 7: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th << 104 | 105 | 106 >> All we had to do was figure out how to find that certain something that would help us link them to serial killers, and that wasn’t as easy as I thought it’d be. Back in the beginning, my mistake was in using new reports to figure it all out. Those were frustrating to work with, because most of them weren’t officially connected to a serial killer yet, and that made our work more spec- ulative than productive. I know, dumb huh? “What we’ve got to do instead,” Darryl explained after a couple years of that, “was look at the older reports, the ones that already have serial killer confirmation, and use those to build a fluid profile that we could test out on the newer ones. “Once those were confirmed, then we’d know if we were on the right track or not. That makes sense, right?” It did make sense, so that’s what we’ve been doing since then, and even though we still haven’t come up with that fluid profile yet, I think we might be getting close. This Sunday though, we were sup- posed to discuss the annual, week-long, Halloween patrol that we've been doing for the past ten years. Even though I was the one to kind of organize the first one, Pee Wee was the one who originally thought of the idea, and Mouse was the real brains behind the whole thing. That first year, it was just me and Pee Wee. Mouse helped out in the downtown area when she could. The second year, Darryl joined us. That was also the same year I met Beth, and ironically enough, it was an abused animal that brought us together. Well actually, she joined me and not them, because even though my secret friends knew about her, she still didn’t know about them. My secret meeting and friends are the only two things that she doesn't know about me. She knows about every- thing else. What I did, the Darkness, my fantasies, and most importantly, my fear of losing control again. I even told her a few of my fan- tasies, well, a lot really, but not the details. I wanted to tell her those, but she stopped me, “No way Jose! I think I’ve heard more than enough already.” I even told her the ones about her. << 104 | 105 | 106 >> CHAPTER 7: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26th
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