AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 3: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd << 59 | 60 | 61 >> Sorry, I got a little off track there, because like I said, today I went back to work. We’ve never really talked about that, have we? You know some things, but not a whole lot. It never really came up or was that important. You already knew what the Darkness does, and this would be just more of the same, but now it’s important, because that’s where the talking Cat is being held captive. Just to make sure you got the basics, let’s review. What The Company does is breed mice, and then sells them to research labs in the U.S. and all over the world, including Europe, South America, Israel, China, Thailand, and even Russia. Even though a couple thousand were shipped out every week, almost ten- thousand were always here, weaning, sleeping, drinking, eating and breeding. Of course, they also used their cages like outhouses, and that’s why they had to be changed-out every week or switched with clean ones. My job was to clean those dirty cages, and then prepare them for the next change-out. That’s it. That pretty much ex- plains my whole job, but obviously, I didn’t do this by myself. Twenty-four other people also worked with me in Cage-Wash. That’s the name everyone called us instead of the Vivarium Sterilization and Preparation Depart- ment, because that’s a hell of a mouthful. You know about most of that al- ready, Dr. Zinger, but the three impor- tant things you don’t know about are the Secret Lab, the Secret Room, and the killings. The Secret Lab was where they genetically engineered the monster mice and mixed them in with all the others. I’ve been told, confidentially, that someday those monster mice will genetically modify themselves, and then start eating all our plastic trash and pissing it out as clean drinking water. Ok, none of that is true, except, maybe for the rumour about the water, and it wasn’t even a Secret Lab either. Everyone knew where it was and could make an appointment to tour it anytime they wanted, except for the clean rooms. Visitors could look through a couple windows, but no one could go inside, except for the Researchers. << 59 | 60 | 61 >> CHAPTER 3: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd
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