AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 2: MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th << 39 | 40 | 41 >> “See,” Alicia said after turning the radio down, “and everyone’s all worked up about it too. One of the TV guys even called you a psycho driver.” “Psycho driver?” I asked, and then heard Beth start to laugh in the kitchen. “Psycho driver,” she said and laughed some more. The song Psycho Killer started playing in my head, and I even started humming along with it. “They don’t know about the bunnies yet, Crim, but honestly, I thought the same thing, dude,” she said, and then switched gears. “As far as some time off, I think you should go deep undercover for a couple years, but until next Wednes- day’s the best I can do. How’s that sound?” “Sounds like more than enough time, but would you do me a favor, please?” “What?” “Don’t mention this to anyone, ok?” “I’ll try, but I’m not making any promises.” I tried to make her promise, but all I got was a promise that she’d try. After we clicked off, I turned the volume up on the TV. It was too early for most stations, but the one I had on advertised itself as the earliest news anywhere, and it was scheduled to start in ten minutes. The anchors were a little too cheery for my taste, especially this early in the morning, but after some coffee, I didn’t care as much. While I waited for that show to start, I checked my phone to see if there was anything out there yet with my name on it. Alicia was right, the story was everywhere. The national news had a little blurb on it, and one of the local newspapers even had it as a head- line. While I was reading that story, the TV news started up, and my accident was also the lead story there, but like everyone else, they didn’t know who I was either. All that publicity started to get me a little scared, because I really didn’t want anyone to know who or where I lived, and that’s why I took precau- tions. When I put the security cams in, I also put in a few other devices that would not only help keep me anonymous, but also safe. You know, just in case we really did get chased by a truckload of gangsters someday. << 39 | 40 | 41 >> CHAPTER 2: MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th
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