AmyStrange & the Criminal (Part 1: the Escape) Copyright © 2019 by David P. Ayotte THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR CHILDREN
CHAPTER 1: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th << 4 | 5 | 6 >> “You did say that with disgust, and that’s what I mean. Getting down to the dirty stuff. The stuff you don’t want to hear or talk about, and that’s when you’ll figure it all out.” “Yeah, yeah, I know, brutal hones- ty ain’t pretty, and all that other blah, blah, blah, bullshit. You’ve been talking to Dr. Zinger again, haven’t you? That’s all she talks about too. That and getting butt fucked everywhere I go.” “You laugh and make jokes, but you’ll see that we’re right,” she said and sat in my lap. “So?” “So, what?” “Are you going to be honest with her... about everything?” “About Scratches? Oh yeah, I defi- nitely have to be honest about her.” “Scratches definitely, but no, I mean about the talking cat. AmyStrange, right? Are you gonna tell her about that?” “I guess I have to,” I said and started fiddling with one of the set- tings. “I think in Amy’s case, Cat should definitely be capitalized.” “I agree,” Beth said and smiled. “If she’s real.” “I’m not even sure myself. Except for the selfie, the ten-thousand dol- lars, and the fact that I’ve actually seen her talk, I’ve got nothing. All I can say is we’ll definitely know for sure Friday.” “I can’t wait. This is gonna be one freaky Halloween,” she said and started scrolling to the top of the page. “Why does the date stamp say Octo- ber 15th? That was two weeks ago. Why don’t you just start today? Oh Christ! That’s when you tried to save those...” “Beth, Beth, Beth!” I literally screamed. “Don’t give it away! Please!” “Ok, ok, ok!” she literally screamed back at me. “Don’t go all crazy on me, buddy. Save that shit for your shrink,” she said a little quieter. She pulled out her gun, and it looks like she’s checking to see if it’s loaded, but I’m not really sure. I’m not a big fan, but she definitely is. She carries that thing everywhere, even to bed. << 4 | 5 | 6 >> CHAPTER 1: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th
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